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If you’re feeling frustrated by your health, there is a reason for it. Health is not simply the absence of symptoms. Real health means vibrant energy, freedom of movement, clarity and focus and resilience to stress and illness, amongst other things.


When stress becomes too much and the body is under resourced you will eventually experience symptoms. These could be inflammatory in nature as in the case of pain, allergies, asthma, eczema and hay fever, you may experience injuries that don’t seem to heal, fatigue, autoimmune disorders or any number of seeming dysfunctions. 


If your best efforts to get healthy or free of pain have left you feeling worse then I can help you with 1 on 1 Health Coaching. I guarantee you will feel better. Keep reading to see how it works.

1. Assessing the Problem

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To get you started on your journey to optimal health I want to find out where you’re currently at in certain key areas and to see exactly what patterns are running within you.


I use a series of questionnaires and a food, exercise and sleep diary as a subjective analysis before ordering any objective testing or referring out to any other necessary practitioners.


As with my orthopaedic testing, this method of testing gives us the whole picture and allows me to track down the root cause of your health challenge.


Seeing the whole picture means seeing how your symptoms fit into the larger picture of your diet and lifestyle behaviours and the constant effect they have on your body and psyche.


Leaving no rock unturned means that you can rest assured we will get to the bottom of your problem/s.

2. Diet and Lifestyle Change


Rather than treat you I coach you!


This approach differs from the treatment model that doctors, physios and other practitioners use. While being treated is often useful and necessary, you're not engaged with the process. You're passive, as the therapist, doctor, pill or procedure seeks to fix your problems for you.


I aim to address the underlying root cause of chronic pain, recurrent injuries and complex health challenges so that you can enjoy life knowing your pain and/or health challenge is a thing of the past.


Through 1 on 1 Health coaching we work to change the underlying behaviours behind your pain and health challenges so that you live with energy, focus, clarity of mind, freedom of movement and resilience to stress and illness and have a body you love to look at. 


These sessions are done weekly or fortnightly on Zoom. We make a 6-12 month plan initially and work together to implement the changes to your diet, liftstyle and mindset as the sessions progress.​




3. Clearing Roadblocks

Beyond your diet and lifestyle behaviours there a few factors that must be addressed if you are to regain your health.


These are what I like to call, “The Roadblocks to Health”. The roadblocks to health are unresolved trauma, environmental toxins such as heavy metals or mould exposure, hidden infections, fungus and/or parasites, dysbiosis and food intolerances. 


Clearing these roadblocks often requires more than just diet and lifestyle change. Heavy metals may be coming from mercury amalgam fillings in your teeth. Your home may have mould. Hidden infections, fungus and parasites and dysbiosis may require herbs and supplements to heal your gut. 


If you've tried to improve your health previously and failed to achieve the results you were looking for perhaps one or more of these was sabotaging you. 

During your consult we will:


  • Problem Solve To Discover What The Root Cause Of Your Pain or Health Challenge May Be


  • Discuss Why Your Previous Attempts To Get Well May Have Failed


  • Uncover What Potential Roadblocks To Healing You Face


  • Create A Rough Plan Of What You Need To Do To Ensure You Heal Properly Once and For All

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